Redefining Spirituality In The Age of Beyoncé

Is it possible to push the envelope a bit too much? You know, to live on the border between that of being too safe, or a bit overkill, hinged in living as the risk taker?

She is called, “Queen B—Bey—Yoncé.” Whether you are a fan, or not, you must agree that this pop artist has etched a very large mark into the evolution of artistry, womanhood, iconic status and history—as we know it.

By the millions, we are excited to witness the explosive nature of artistic ability through her concerts, lyrical tumblers, and the complexity of a woman who is living out her purpose—every bold second of engagement.

To be “called,” spiritual guides and leaders are no longer reserved for solely the pulpit.  In a day and age, of before,  where guidance and the art of discovering one’s purpose, living in that purpose and expressing one’s self was relegated to the guiding walls of the church (And, I use these expressions loosely), we now find ourselves tasked with the responsibility of being soul teachers for each other.

The idea of the “Drunk In Love” pop artist creating a “master-peace” musical expression that seems to resonate deeply within her—and speaks to the long ranged evolution of her creative space, begs us all to up-the-ante.  More importantly, from the outside, it appears that the evolution of her soul is finding peace in being, well—herself.

She performs at the highest expression of a soul that’s living out her purpose, sequenced in the skinniest of clothing, with a severe whip of sexual appeal, yet credits her gifts and expression of these talents to…God.

And, for a lot of us—we stand, confused, perplexed…in judgment against her and artists of this “other” form of living out their purpose because it questions our zoned beliefs, make us “securely” insecure and threatens the  validity of our own spirit guide.

“I just want to be a better person,” one friend squeaked after leaving the Mrs. Carter Tour. Another artist friend sent a note to me last week saying, “…okay, I’m having a hard time, but I can do it. Let me get my ‘Yoncé on’.”

In a strange sense that some of us might not understand, an artist of this nature helps close the gap between the spiritual—the non-spiritual—and the religious. Her artistry (and other artistic sensations in the game) and spiritual nature has given us a method of accessibility in reaching into our very own souls to discover and ask, “Why can’t I do “that” in my own field of expertise, utilizing my gifts and talents?”

She kind of brings everyone together.

And, yes, I applaud Beyoncé for creating a platform that is leading a generation to, as a friend so brilliantly put it, “…bend reality towards their will and know that anything is possible”—to thrust at the idea of pushing our spirits to the next level that makes sense for us.

As a former seminarian whose spirituality and artistic expression has evolved, I find myself confronted in my own shell. The duality of being both artist and exec, I am constantly confronted with, “Am I pushing the envelope a bit too much?”

Nonetheless, more appropriately and courageously speaking, I’ve decided to ask myself, “Am I not pushing the envelope enough?”

And, please believe-me-you, I understand the idea of being comfortable, poised and safe in the rules that comes with our degrees, job descriptions and in-public-behavior.

And now, more than ever, the logical side of me has succumbed to the risk taker within me. Moreover, what I have discovered is that the risk-taker is not a contrived notion or attempt to be another person—yet, the soul’s attempt at awakening my humanistic nature to be one with the Spirit.

Yet, if we’re looking to critique—and a fair bit of this is okay, I presume—being a lot less perfect, yet whole is where we should gravitate our energies.

You might not agree with any of the above—and of course, that’s okay, but I do think that we all are craving something that  it’s hard to put our finger on, yet we just have a feeling that something needs to change.  Flaws and all, we can take just one thing from the life of this domineering artist—anything is possible when you believe in…

Challenging the rules.


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

When Asked, “Who Are You?” – #JustLuIt


You can never have too many selfies. 😉

I am 31, black, gay, handsome, male, lifestyle consultant, spirit and so many more adoring adjectives and nouns that seeks to describe the essence of my soul.  I can be a suffering know-it-all, the kindest and most generous person you will ever meet, a pool of possibilities, sprinkled with a tendency to worry a bit.

I am…

And because I am and we are, there exists a multitude of bountiful expressions that are explored when asked, “Who are you?”

Yes, who are you?

Recently, I was asked, “Who are you, Klay?” while taking part in a group interview for a seasonal post at Lululemon Athletica, in New York City.

Normally, I would cautiously pause, glance over my audience and begin to offer teaspoon portions of my life, cautiously feeding “adequate” servings of information to my consumers—offering not too much, or too little.

I’ve overtly caught myself in the middle of my own mind games exploring the option of how I could lessen my qualities in order to fit into a mode, peg hole and puzzle for various companies, only to find out that I was under qualified or overqualified anyway.


The madness that we live through while trying to fit into a box that was never ours to live in, yet we create these ill-fitting homes, nonetheless.

But, for once, I decided to show up, without the need of wondering how to make everyone feel comfortable and secure, minus the necessity to play down my accomplishments.

I decided to show up in my truth.

And guess what? It felt damn good!

I came to Lululemon at a time and place where I was in the gateway of transition, returning to the states from a completely different world, a concluding romantic relationship, with new advancements in the race of being an adult.

I had no idea what I was doing in retail again, but for some reason the spirit of life settled a blanket of peace within me. It felt soothing, comfortable and easy.

Ah, yes. This is where I needed to be.

Years ago, I decided to stop fighting the Universe and instead opened my arms to the possibility that my path would become a journey—one that is dazzled in gold, life lessons, understanding and progression, if only I sought to become one with this amazing light.

I’m learning to be the light.

Instantly, the team of multitalented, intriguing and unique store leaders asked us new hirers how they could be supportive of our goals and visions in life, beyond the world of luon.

Say what?!? You’re actually going to pay and support me to move beyond the company?

Wow. Google, who?!

And there they were and are, constantly pushing us all to learn new methods of communication that works for our destined paths, mechanisms to be a #nohumbug vessel of service to the world, while providing education to the masses of luxury athletic gear—to be our best physical, emotional and spiritual #sweatnyc bodies of inspiration.

You always hope that pockets of grace will follow you, that the Universe itself would see through the silver lining—and take your sincere instincts, vulnerable acts of faith and love to the next level of service.  The lemon board is that and creates lulu’s of hope everywhere, one educator, guest, key holder and manager at a time. Your future is guaranteed to be more than what it was upon approaching their doorway—it’s seasoned with some of earth’s good stuff, the spirit gene that is void of judgment along your path of life.

These folks just want to know, that you actually have a path…one that is special to you.  

Dancing frantically in the pants section, while making peace with your day, for a moment of much needed reprieve, a simple celebration of self and the act of knowing you’re alive is the poetic force of nature that captures our anxious hearts.

Emerging from my own ashes of shame, hurt and uncertainty, I surprisingly found myself in the artery of the Phoenix—the heart to be exact—of an incredible system giving me further permission to effortlessly rise to the beat of my own heart.

The heart. Yes, my heart.

I’ve found sustaining new friendships that make me unapologetically laugh out loud while crossing Lexington Avenue, replaying moments of intrigue from yesterday.  I discovered gifted individuals all seeking to live out their calling and dreams while earning a honest living.  The days are full of guest education, two-stepping, sporadic spouts of laughter and sweat dates with people who are world changers.

Our stories may be different as to how we arrived at this moment and time, but our drives to be our very best is the uniting glue that increases the flame of hope, in our hearts.

I have just about two weeks remaining on my mat, as a seasonal educator.  While it was a very quick session along my journey, it has made a great impact in my observation of the world, people and most of all, me.

I guess it is true, life gives us exactly what we need, especially in the times that matter most.

As we enter the New Year, remember friends…when you are in a state of doubt, #JustLuIt.


Not quite there, but working hard to be.


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

The Door Is Always Open


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

I Want A Sunday Kind of Love


Courtesy of Megan Kelly

To be moved by the greatest expressions of all expressions, a rush of cosmic connection and a numbing feeling of home is a desire that seems to be at the forefront of most minds these days.

After an amazing catch up conversation with a good friend, over candles, India Arie and the sweet fragrance of flowers, we attempted to tackle fall fashion, education, politics and lastly, love.

Have you ever noticed how most people’s body language change instantly when they talk about love? I mean, their voice inflection alters to a new height of rhythmic vibrations, animated hands, and sexy eyes are all at the forefront.  It’s almost as if the soul meets body for the first time. Yeah, love has the effect on us.

My gorgeous friend leaned in on all sub-topics relating to love that stirred her heart, but one very interesting phrase that serves as the overarching theme for this piece: “I want a Sunday kind of love.”

I asked her, “Well, what do you mean by a Sunday kind of love?”

Her response—with smizing eyes—and a graceful stance: “A love that is not mediocre, complacent or settling.”

Yes, I was taken aback as well.

She continued, “No, we cannot be complacent and settle. I am not going to waste my time and settle with Paul. I would rather journal, put my candles on, or take myself out to dinner, than waste my time with mediocre.”

In various contexts we are taught that we are not “deserving” or “worthy” of the greatness that is God the Universe. And while, the miraculous universe is at play in providing for us wonderful riches and magnificence, I think that our humanistic understanding of this notion denies us access to the divine spirit that lives in us.

In other words, our worth is in direct connection to the goodness that is God the universe.  God is love. Love is God. Your worth is not being tested on a rubric system of wrongs, rights and impending levels of goodness in the eyes of God.

To say that you are not worthy or deserving of this or that, takes away your power to actually receive what it is that you desire.

A Sunday kind of love, for another person, requires that we firstly have a Sunday kind of love for ourselves.

In the grand scheme of things, there are two observations that we desire most in life:

1.)  To be heard and 2.) To be loved.

To be heard is to understand that you have a voice. To be loved is to know that you are worthy and deserving of love, all on your own.

A Sunday kind of love is one that ripples with metaphors and analogies that will greet the person whose soul is on fire for who they are, what they contribute to the world, and what they have to offer—also with open arms, willing to receive from others.

Until that day comes for you, use the love song that drives you passionately insane as a medium, to adorn yourself.

And, allow the days of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, to bring to you the sweet morning of Sunday that you wholeheartedly deserve.

Courtesy of Megan Kelly

Courtesy of Megan Kelly


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

When Rain Deserves A Dance

The day just transformed from brilliant sunshine, to sexy dark clouds and compassionate thunder—the kind that doesn’t really mean any harm, but has a bold and suggestive presence.  The one thing about thunder and lightning is that, it does not care about our daily plans, who we are and what we have on.  When the elements are ready to release, it simply outpours its soul, whether we are prepared for it, or not.  Image

Did Mother Earth not know that I was getting my spicy chocolate glow on, poolside? I guess not.

As I packed up my blustered belongings and began to head for shelter, I could not help but delight in the warmest spout of laughter—the kind that stabs your body in every nerve ending, forcing you to cover your mouth as a result of the intensity of sound.

The rain reminded me of one thing that has been my theme for this year: joyously dance, in the midst of the unwelcomed storm.

The lesson rests, not in the formulations of the tumultuous clouds that rise above us.  Yet, realizing that we can always seek shelter in the respite of a loving universe, giving us all that we need.

Abundance in spirit, as best as we can, is the assignment.

The process?

Dance, when the unwelcomed storm comes.


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

When Healing Comes Home

For years now, I have been on the quest of building my brand, taking tons of risks and chances, through the eyes of living authentically.  The more things I have revealed to myself and others, the more life has seemed to embrace me with open arms—the closer it seems I am becoming to living out my dreams.

The erotic climb towards success has been daunting, difficult and adventurous, at times. And while, I have my eyes on the prize, there was something that I would need to do first before my dreams would really unfold—or so, my intuition told me.  I had to return home—and by home, I would need to see my mom.

My Sister and, I

This past year was one of the most amazing times of my life—an impromptu trip to Australia, reuniting with one of the loves of my life, becoming engaged, not being engaged, to starting over in the heart of NYC.  While I have experienced business advancement opportunities and a more evolved richness of being, I have also experienced lots of difficult times.  Nonetheless, the thing that I know to be true is that we can only go as far as the fullness of our hearts will take us—found in the respite of healing.

My mom and I have always been two peas-in-a-pod.  Growing up, I never had to look too far into the idea of finding a shero or hero—I had mine at home. Over the course of the years, I would discover something that I could no longer deny or hold inside.  It was clear that I was gay, to myself. And for me, it was a scary undertaking, realizing the world that we live in and all of its discriminatory practices.

In my one man show last year, I remember reciting a line, “Who would volunteer to be black and gay?” in response to someone asking me, “Why would you choose this life?” While, I cannot speak for others, I can say that I was born this way. No, there was no molestation.  I was not a runaway. No one, “turned me out.” As long as I can remember, I have been gay, but was not in a state of consciousness to fully understand or embrace the essence of my true self.

While, I have always been courageous, I have not always been evolved. There is a difference.

Years ago, I told my family about my sexuality, as it was time for me to be the authentic person that I claimed to be, and not to mention, my first book was going to be published very soon, with a story that would become public knowledge. (You can read more about this at: There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Towards Self-Discover and Renewed Purpose.)

The irony was that while I told my family, I had not seen them in person and let’s face it, there is something very freeing, liberating and sober about being who you truly are in the presence of those who know you best. Fronting in public is never courageous. It’s simple. It’s easy. And, it’s like being on probation.  One foot is tickled with freedom, while the other is behind bars.  Frankly, it’s no way to live.

Several conversations surfaced during my purgatory period with ups and downs, advancements and setbacks—yet, it was not enough for understanding, at the moment.

These days I am searching beneath my perception of black and white, crossing over to the beauty of Technicolor vision.  I find that it’s a richer place to be, and more importantly, when we seek to develop understanding, it’s the quickest way to receive healing. Conclusions are for scientists, but the human heart is all about understanding that which only makes sense to our being—hence, the biblical phrase, “The peace that passes all understanding.”

I had arrived. The timely vision of my mother’s smile was infectious and quickly warmed my soul.  We reached her home, in time to have a bite, laugh, catch up and more importantly, have the talk.

She smiled with warmth and said, “Tell me. What happened with your ex-partner?”

And the race was off. We talked until 3:30 AM with all kinds of stories, misconceptions and curious minds on both sides.

How ironic?  Healing was already given to me, because I gave it to myself. But, if you know like I know—when you find courage, evolve and awaken to yourself, healing is transmitted to every sector that you venture.  Healing becomes you and the Technicolor vision of hope takes you to places that you never thought you would travel.  And as of late, I’ve traveled to places, people and circumstances that all required healing—if not for me, them.

While my being is continuously becoming richer with amazing experiences, I take with me the idea that being a life coach is less about coaching others; it’s allowing life to coach me, to be a witness with (and not to) others. And these lessons are rich, drizzled in maple syrup, fit for the queen of the ant farm—ferociously ready to devour each new insight, ready to share what she has learned.

Healing comes home to those, who allow healing to travel with them.


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Write A Birthday Manifesto

Every year we are confronted with several questions that surrounds our birthday celebrations:

What should I wear?

What will I do to celebrate?


Happy Birthday to, me!

While, it’s important to adorn ourselves with the best birthday celebrations and take time to turn it up, with our loved ones and friends, it is also important to set an intention for the next year of our lives. How do we accomplish this intention?

The answer is very clear. Write a Birthday Manifesto.

A Birthday Manifesto is a plan of action for what you would like your new year to consist of.  Unlike goal setting and other targeted dream boards, Birthday Manifestos includes the “difficult” things that we must clear out of our lives in order to accomplish these dreams.  And, a lot of times, this includes people, behaviors, jobs, addictions, things and attitudes that no longer serve us.

Top 5 reasons to write a Birthday Manifesto:

1.)  Life becomes more abundant. Peace of mind and manifestation comes to our lives when we are – Clear. Have you ever noticed that sometimes you have a goal in mind, yet year after year nothing happens? Chances are, you are not totally clear and specific about the things that you desire.  Birthday Manifestos are all about specificity and does not have room for vague thinking, such as:, “Well, I think that I might want to..” or “I’m not smart enough to…” Your language of choice: I can and I will.

2.)  When the record is written, it gives us power. What do we ask for, whenever a company offers us a job, a promotion or a business deal? We respond with, “May I have it in writing?”  There is something powerful, binding and reliable when we are able to read a promise or obligation on paper.  Writing your Birthday Manifesto will ask you to be responsible to the change you have requested!

3.)  We eliminate obstacles and roadblocks in our lives. The phrase, “You are responsible for your life,” is better understood when we really and truly believe this statement. Your Birthday Manifesto will give you power to accomplish your goals while also being clear of who and what will no longer be a part of your journey.

4.)  We become a magnet for success.  A path can only be offered to those who are open, willing and ready for change.  What I know for sure, is that the path will not only create a better you, it will also allow you the power to attract success and people who will help you along the way to your end goal.

5.)  Life will become better and better.  Every thing in life is about consistency.  Whether we have consistent positive or negative behavior, there usually is some form of regularity to our actions and outcomes.  We want to set an intention for the rest of our new year and the most we practice being loving, responsible and clear about our life, the more virtues of abundance will come.  Miracles is what we will expect and search for—setting the tone for our next birthday cycle.


Happy Birthday, from the Plan A Family! Make it a great year.



For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.

When Life Calls For The Unexpected Transition


July 24, 2013—For the last year, I have transitioned into a new territory, of helping clients in corporate and non-profit structures transition into a new life, after having their position eliminated—most of the time, due to budget cutbacks, downsizing and new directions that companies have decided to venture.  The two emotions that seem to meet each new employee are immediate grief and panic.  Justifiably, we feel rejected, fearful of the financial future and more directly, LOST. 

When we really break down this feeling of losing something that once was a major part of our life, the more common expression of what we feel that we are giving up is control.  

We are rendered paralyzed, trapped in the confusing vortex of loss, unraveled by the safety of our bolted desk that has been removed from our feet. 


This is a lot. 

What do I do, now?

The answer that might not give you an instant answer to the next step, but places us in the mindset to listen to life’s next calling is: to be present. 

The present moment spirit of awareness is the most dynamic form of peace that we can find. 

I will not tell you to swallow your problems and to just move on to the next thing.  This dramatic shift is larger than deflecting and requires a sense of closure. 

Everyone is entitled to have their moment, but the answer is wrapped up in our decision to package our hands around our hearts—leaning into that heart space to feel our breath, acknowledge that we are a live and a knowing that this moment’s shift is giving us all that we need.    

More importantly, we must understand that unexpected transitions are not our enemies.  It’s the Universe’s way of protecting us from complacency, a response to our heart’s deepest desires and a test in pushing us towards fulfilling a life that we so desperately crave.

Give your transition a chance.  Grieving is real. Finances are a must. Yet, growth is healing, positive and saving.  

If you use your life as a blueprint for what has been a constant with change, what have you noticed? Has change always propelled you towards something new, exciting or better? In this step, think of the long run, not the short-term vision of fear that you saw in the midst of your transition. 

But, if I am right, the long-term vision of success that you experienced did not compare to the short-term experiences of loss.  And in this light, the only thing that is guaranteed is that the same saving grace that afforded you success then, will surely give you continued success, now.

Hope begins and never ends, in the mind and hearts of those who are present to their presence, today.


For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:

Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.  



Reality vs. Reality: The Confusing Nature of Manifesting Your Dreams


May 25, 2013—

I want…

I want to be…

I said, “I want to be…”

I’m not who I want to be now, but I want to be a NY Times best seller mystery writer…

But, how in the hell do I assert who I want to become, if in my present state of reality, I am not anywhere close to that which I desire?


How many times have you asked yourself this question without the slightest idea on how to consciously maneuver your current state of being, with the intention of who you would like to become? 

We are the faint-hearted corporate professionals who have a desire to travel around the world for a year.  We are insecure lifelong students, desperately hoping that one day we would have enough courage to finally assume our role as teacher.  We are the assistants who shamelessly remain behind the scenes—secretly professing that we desire to be the curator, but are void of any form of self-belief.  All in all, we are the dead among the living. 

Time over and over again, you might hear spiritual teachers and life coaches explain the contrast between reality of where you are now vs. the reality of who you would like to become. 

Let’s work through this together.

If Cloud 9 is your end destination and not your current reality, you create space for inner resistance to then become a cancerous cell that spreads to areas of your life that you thought was sorted.  Past feelings, guilt and shame resurface and here you are again, back to the drawing board—ultimately doubting yourself and canceling any notion of becoming the dream.  The impending cycle feels like it will never end—and the reality, mating with the “lofty” dream never cease to exist. 

So how do we move forward, once and for all?

There must become a point when who we are, what we have experienced, and who we would like to be, begins to work in tandem.  You must seek to be the Holy Trinity in your own life.  When all layers of your existence and life experiences are respected, wholeness is formed offering you the Cloud 9 state of being. 

Consequently, at this point dreams are not lofty goals of there and then—they are targeted goals of expectancy that creates present day realities.  Therefore, you’re not searching aimlessly for a dream life, or coveting after your friend’s lot in life—because you have your own. 

The difference between those who consistently suffer form inner resistance and others who experience Cloud 9 is recognizing that each conscious day creates your lived experience.  Life experiences can sometimes be a part of the mysteries of life, but moreover lived experiences, thoughts, feelings and associations that you create, offers compass-like direction toward your dream.  It is the dream!

Frankly put, how are you contributing to the detriment of your current state of being?

IF reality is Cloud 9, then your lived experiences must begin to reflect your dream in the now. 



For more information on Klay S. Williams, reviews, video clips and other media, please visit:


Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures internationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.



On Love, Resurrection, and Belonging: How The Addams Family (Australia) Gave Me New Life


Capitol Theatre
Sydney, Australia

I am American—African-American, that is.  I arrived at the edifice of the Australian soil with my very own sense of biases, judgments and life experiences, thus ironically coupled with an idea to be open and vulnerable to this country.

Weird? Yes, I know. 

There was something that I needed to discover here—several things, if you will.  The first life lesson that was given to me came with its own set of rules, maxims and truths: Be ye, not afraid of your differences. There resides great power, matrimony and animation within its roots, if only you remove your limitations. 

“Okay, fine.” I thought to myself. 

I was asked so cleverly, through musical interludes, lyrical acrobats and contagious dancing, if the life that I was leading was in line with the new vision that was resurrecting in front of me.     

The culprits refer to themselves as: The Addams Family (The Broadway Musical), of Sydney, Australia.

I’ve fallen in love with my very own Lurch—who ironically plays this zombie-like creature in real life.  Our worlds, culture and general source of being is quite dissimilar, but when cupid’s nonjudgmental arrow looks for its next love victims, he takes the utmost pleasure in handpicking two soulful creatures to ignite new life lessons, limitless love and delightful ‘destiny’ in our lives—if only we accept his invitation.  

I became prey to the ultimate resurrection: falling in love. 

Is this not what The Addams Family storyline teaches us?  The same gene that gives us unity, validation and connectivity to each other, regardless of culture— might mirror our differences.  Nonetheless, at the end of the day, which gene does one choose? 

Hopefully, the power that love gives us—a choice. 

Wednesday and Lucas are confronted with two grieving worlds that so desperately craves something new, yet is frightened by everything that makes their individual lives different—the style of choice, familial and cultural backgrounds, inclusive of societal baggage that we all bring to new relationships, are at the crux of this budding union.

As I saw my life played out on stage, through melodious ballads, comical liturgy and life giving aha moments, I realized that our love is neither Australian nor American—our love is simply liberating.   

I am learning that love does not come with cultural points of origin, or passport stamps, emphasizing denial or acceptance of entry.   

In all forms, love comes with the prominence to heal, cleanse, teach, give and grow.

And while I am African-American, a lifestyle consultant, a writer, brother, son, boyfriend and so many other labels, the most important neuron that makes up 99.9% of the essence of who I am, is formless—my soul. 

The Addams Family is not just comedic musical theatre that will leave your taste buds craving more—it’s a path that leads to a journey, that transforms us into questioning birds of the sky, with but one wish—to return home, back to the space that has lost zest for living, experiencing and most of all, loving. 

I may not know what the future will hold exactly, for Lurch, and me but I can wholeheartedly say that we have defeated the odds by simply allowing ourselves to cross cultural boundaries, emotional lands and stormy terrains.

Daily, we are asked to make decisions that might potentially call us to the unknown, but somewhere inside of us rests a fiery spark of desire, ushering us to say ‘yes’ to new life. 

At the end of the day, my subjective life experience continues to tell me to choose the unfamiliar path and be true to the heart space that craves it—the soul.

How about your soul?

What does it crave? What is it asking you to choose?    

Go on folks, take a trip to a new foreign land and allow love’s venomous power to resurrect the places that you need it most. 

The Addams Family might just be the beginning step towards unlocking a world of illusory craziness, never-ending passion and a novel approach to reintroducing you, to your soul.  


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Klay S. Williams, M.Div, is the author of There Is Only Plan A—A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose, and co-owner of Harrison Williams, a lifestyle-consulting firm based in New York City. Klay conducts personal and corporate client sessions, workshops, seminars and lectures nationally. Through his leadership and unique philosophy of “There Is Only Plan A,” Klay has unlocked a singular powerhouse where individuals can learn how to live their complete and best life.